The Smooth Change Dress

The Smooth Change Dress

Saw a kick starter campaign that I thought was pretty interesting and wanted to share it with you.

I see that it’s still in its infancy of design, but done right could be a huge success. The Smooth Change, is a dress that you can instantly change the look with just the change of a collar or belt. I work with people all day trying to match up shoes to outfits for special occasions. Best example is this weekend right here, 4th of July. Why have to buy a while new dress when you could just change of the collar? Think this is a killer idea for women. Something to look into. Here is the link and there is a video explaining how it works.
The Smooth Change
Have a safe 4th everyone


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Posted by on July 4, 2015 in Uncategorized


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Social Directory Is Here To Help You Make Money

Social Directory Is Here To Help You Make Money


I’ve been interested in making money online for quite some time. There are many avenues to make this a reality. Unfortunately none of them are as easy as some people make it out to be. You need to hustle, you need to understand marketing.

You just need to have effective marketing tactics and a good understanding of SEO. Many people create websites to share their affiliate products. Then use social media to share this information. Twitter is a great place for this. One that I don’t think enough people use is Facebook. Like Twitter you can purchase ads to be displayed on Facebook timelines. There is, however as new tool that might be able to help you out immensely.

Introducing a New Facebook app that allows you to showcase your (affiliate) products on your fan page and attract more customers, getting you more sales. You should definitely check this out. It’s called The Social Directory. Click the link and see if this is something that might be able to assist you in your quest for success.

I hope you guys found this information valuable.

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Posted by on December 23, 2014 in Tech


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I Wish I Didn’t Have To Wish

I Wish I Didn’t Have To Wish


It’s days like today I wish I was a believer. I wish I could take comfort that a place like heaven did exist. Most of all I wish I didn’t have to wish at all. My father would still be here and I wouldn’t have to miss him. I would have had someone cheering along side me when the Giants won the world series. So many more good memories would have been made to ease the pain of the bad ones.

Unfortunately, that’s not how life works. All I have left is memories of the past. I’m hoping that they never fade. That twenty years from now I can take comfort in hearing his laughter when reminiscing on the good times.

I miss my dad like crazy.

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Posted by on December 7, 2014 in Rants



If cameras can’t hold police accountable in Eric Garner’s death, what can?

If cameras can’t hold police accountable in Eric Garner’s death, what can?


This situation is terrible. This man was frustrated, he had just split up a fight his adrenaline was going. He didn’t do anything wrong. I’m a pretty outspoken person and not afraid to tell someone my opinion, this man did as most others would have done in the same situation. The difference for him… He was big and he was black. That is not a crime. That is no reason for four officers to try and bring this guy down to the ground. The video is so sad to watch, but I recommend to all that they click the source below and watch the video. This is what is really going on all over america.

First let me say… I dont believe that cops are waking up in the morning and going out looking for people to kill. That’s not what is going on. Situations that arise are not being handled correctly. The Police are here to PROTECT. Who were they protecting in this video? It is just wrong and these guys need to be punished. A man lost his life.

It’s a tragedy that in all of the growth and advancement in our society that we still judge people by the color of their skin. For crying out loud, we have a black president!

If you read The Verge article below I don’t agree with everything he says. I think it’s border line inciteful. There are many issues in America and this one is distracting America from even bigger problems. No one in America is technically from here except for the Native Americans. We all just need to be thankful for all the things were fortunate enough to have.

My heart goes out to Mr Garner’s family. I hope that his death is somehow leads to positive change.

Source: The Verge

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Posted by on December 4, 2014 in Political


Lil Wayne Walks On American Flag

Lil Wayne Walks On American Flag


Lil Wayne Walks Over American Flag In Music Video

Basically people are calling for everyone to boycott Lil Wayne, because while shooting a video he walks over the american flag. If all you watch is a little clip of him walking on the american flag then yes I understand that being disrespectful. The flag was a prop in the video. In the video it drops revealing the people from his hometown behind it. Then it’s not in the scene. It wasn’t like he planned out stomping on the flag. He just continued filming. Watch the video. I understand its disrespectful, I was raised that the flag should never even touch the ground. But it’s in a film. Since when does the morals within a movie cross into reality? No one raises their nose when a married man has to make out and pretend to have sex with an actress. If this was premeditated then yes I would say he’s unamerican and people should not purchase his music. That’s not the case here so I will go on listening to his stuff. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I enjoy you sharing your.

Lil Wayne- God Bless Amerika

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Posted by on December 2, 2014 in Political


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Looking For Any WordPress Help?

Looking For Any WordPress Help?


As some of you guys know I have been working on my tech blog NerdgasmsDaily. When looking for assistance I found these guys at ZoyMah were really helpful. They responded quickly to questions and made the changes I needed themselves. So if you are in need of some inexpensive but still great quality in help check out their website.

Facing WordPress problems? Don’t wasting anymore time on WordPress tweaks. ZoyMah provides 24/7 best wordpress support on small jobs/fixes.

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Posted by on December 1, 2014 in Tech


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NerdgasmsDaily Your Daily Tech Source

As we get deeper into the holiday shopping season, is going to get harder and harder for me to produce any sort of content. I love writing so that won’t be the problem. I need to find a better balance of writing, working and family time.

If you are interested in the tech stuff I write you will find me most active at this is my own website. I write reviews of apps and products, I share cool tech related products and anything nerdy. Here are a few of my articles you may like.

Asus ZenWatch
Review: Inbox by Google
Introducing Amazon Echo

Here you get to see that I cover news topics, review apps for android, and share what I like to call “Nerdgasms.” Basically, it’s a cool tech related item that you could buy. I love finding and sharing these things.

Hope you guys go there and subscribe. I’ll still be sharing my personal stories here on this blog. Just won’t be very often over the next few months. Also thank you for following. You guys rock!

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Posted by on November 9, 2014 in Tech


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My Wife Is Too Sweet

My Wife Is Too Sweet


I woke up this morning after my wife had left for work and found this in the bathroom. This is so awesome and completely sweet of her to do.

My wife is not into sports at all. She doesn’t get the competitive nature of guys. So this completely surprised me. I still have no idea where were going to watch the game. But I’m so appreciative that she’s doing this, I could careless if we’re watching it at home. As long as were watching it together.

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Posted by on October 24, 2014 in Sports


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Technology and Hardware: Some Sentimental Reflections



It’s funny how I still remember getting my first Game Boy. It was the original one, 8-bit in a lovely yellow colour, feeling heavy and smooth in your hand. My mum had bought it off my older cousin for about £10, and I remember feeling so surprised that she’d got me it for Christmas. I had a few games which were these wonderful plastic cartridges that you slotted into the back of your Game Boy, and you could hear the satisfying click when they were inserted properly. There was the sweet little noise it made as you switched it on, the Nintendo logo fizzling onto the screen, the red ‘on’ light glowing in the corner. The shimmering pixels and the chip tunes of game music.

I guess every generation grows up with some form of technological hardware that seems always exciting and new. Whether it’s a radio, gramophone or mobile…

View original post 1,360 more words

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Posted by on October 21, 2014 in Uncategorized


People Leave Obama’s Speech. Real Talk

People Leave Obama’s Speech. Real Talk


Lmao… This President… This fucking president. Shaking my head so damn hard at Obama and hid staff trying to spin this event in their favor.

It’s clear that the public in general isn’t happy with President Obama. Tell me why if people weren’t able to get a seat left the event leaving empty chairs behind? I thought it was too packed to get a seat? Also if I was a fan of the President I wouldn’t be leaving, I’d be taking any chance I could to watch him. How cool is that to be that cost top the President and heart him speak in person.

Just stop it. Pepper left because they, like myself, could careless what the President had to say. It’s not like he’s going to follow through with anything.

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Posted by on October 20, 2014 in Political


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